While in Louisiana, Nate's parents took us to the New Orleans

The amount of bugs this place had was crazy. Seriously, what are all the adjectives you could come up with to describe a huge
selection of insects? Gooey, gross, creepy, dangerous, unique, colorful, sneaky, useful, scary, etc. I thought the bugs that most of these adjectives applied to were the ones to be weary of.

Not only did they have lots of live bugs in cases to view them in their "
natural" habitat, they had tons of dead bugs in display cases. Colorful would be the word to describe all these different kinds of insects and the variety was amazing.

I thought the butterflies were gorgeous with all the colors of the rainbow.
One of the funniest parts of the day was when Steve gave Clay and Hayden sample cookies to try. These cookies looked good, nicely browned and soft and smell delicious, there was just one problem, they had bugs in them. Crickets were used in place of the chocolate chips in this cookie's recipe. Clay was timid at first because he is smart and knew something wasn't too right about everyone being so anxious for him to eat a cookie. Hayden had no problem, popped that thing right in his mouth with no complaint. Clay did eat his as well and after being told it had crickets in it all he could say was "I knew it, I knew you were doing something". We took the boys over to the Tasters spot and pointed out the crickets bodies on the cookies. Hayden looked at them and said "Oh yeah, there is a bug" at which he started to scratch the bug off the cookie in his hand. Once the bugs body was off good enough for Hayden he popped another bug cookie right in his mouth!