Justin Update

This post is mainly for family back home to see updated pictures of our little Justin Ron. Justin is such a great addition to our family. He smiles at everyone he sees and it's not just a little smirk, it's an full face, eyebrows, cheeks, and all expression! It's such a joy to go in his room in the morning when I hear little coos and grunts from him and lean over his crib and be greeted with a huge smile, his little way of saying "Good morning" I think! All babies have their needs and times when they can definitely be trying and difficult to handle, but for the most part Justin has been a "easy" baby.
(Remember how my boys love STAR WARS? Can you say "OBI-WAN KENOBI!")

That was NOT the case with my second son. I love my little Hayden boy but around 3wks old to 9wks he was a colic baby. He couldn't self sooth himself so when I would finally get him to stop crying and fall asleep I would try to lay him down and within 5 min (usually in less time than that) he would be screaming again. So the best treatment with him was standing up during the night doing a little Indian dance where you basically walk around but with a bouncing up and down motion. There were times when after over 4 hours of switching from dancing, to nursing, to singing, to rocking I needing to just give him a few minutes to wail it out and leave the room to regroup myself. After his good little crying session he was more calm to nurse and too worn out to fight not sleeping anymore. So glad that after those 6 wks he was a great sleeper and is still my best sleeper. I can tell Hayden that I need him to take a nap and he won't fight me at all, he just says "OK mom" LOVE IT!!

Justin's play saucer, he really loves it but doesn't like it when his brothers try to take over he he.

What I love about the easiness of Justin is that when he is tired and needs to go to sleep that I can put him in his crib and he can go to sleep on his own! I leave the door open a little so there is light coming in the room and he lays there looking at his cowboy stickers and cuddling with his blankets until he drifts off to la la land. We hear him talking to himself and sucking on the satin trim of his blankets. He doesn't take a pacifier at all but loves his blankets to burrow down into. With each new baby I feel very blessed to have such wonderful little boys to care for. I hope that I can show them the right paths to go on and guide them on their way to becoming young men, missionaries, husbands, and then fathers. I am thankful for the knowledge of the gospel to guide me and the great example that they have in their own father, Nathan. I love all my boys in the Cottrell family!!


Anna Marks said...

I love that little smiley face!! He is such a cutie!

Whitney said...

He looks like such a fun baby! Everett was colicky at about the same age as Hayden but now he's a great sleeper! He will even play on his own in his saucer or on the floor... it's nice when babies learn those two skills: sleeping and entertaining themselves! Your little boys are so cute!!!

Shylo said...

Justin is so sweet...I love when I get to hold him in primary. Love the Star wars fleet...Celtin was way into Star Wars 2 years ago, he still loves them but has branched into Indiana Jones recently.

Tina said...

You look at that sweet boy and it makes you smile! What a fun little guy :o)

Sophie said...

i can't wait to come you guys rock my socks off!! Can't wait to see you guys justin is getting so big i can't wait to hold him thanks for having me come i've wanting to do this forever you guys are the best

Kelley Rae said...

He is growing up so fast - and gets cuter every time I see him. You look great too - such a babe!