My Baby is ONE!!! He is such a little man to me and is always so happy!!
We made chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting for his cake which we shared with the YW in my ward since his Birthday was on Jan 26th the same day of our YW activity night.

Since Justin did just turn one I have been going through his room, checking on which clothes he could fit into soon and which he had completely grown out of . Here is Hayden refusing to believe me that he can't fit into these overall pants any more. And he didn't believe me until he put them on himself and was trying to pass them off as shorts just to prove his point. Seriously he looked so goofy especially after he gave me a few funny poses. That Hayden, he has to figure things out by himself or he will be in denial for a long time. I think he has a stubborn/determined part to his personality and like alot of things that can be both good and bad!!

He is a really fast crawler right now and wants to go everywhere his older brothers are! He laughs so hard with them its hilarious. He loves to be all too helpful with my dishwasher and like to pull himself up to alot of things. Justin is a great eater and burns through it all with all of his energy just like his brothers did. He just had a check up and weighed 17 lbs 9 oz and was 29 in long, his perfectly healthy and again my happy babe I couldn't ask for anything more! Justin's personality is all about what is funny. He blows raspberries and then laughs at himself and then blows more raspberries followed by more laughter. It is so funny to watch, not too funny in the middle of sacrament meeting, but he can't help it. He also likes to growl alot like he is ready to wrestle, again during church not so cool but no one can reset his sweet smile. I love seeing all the differences in each of my boys and how important they all are to our family.