Hayden's 6!!


Hayden's birthday was January 12th and he was one lucky boy to have so many people here to celebrate since they were in town for Clayton's baptism.
 Anyone that has been around Hayden lately knows he is obsessed with Sonic!!  He started loving Sonic after we checked out a Wii game at the library and would do any sort of jobs to earn Wii time. Hayden owns this games now thanks to someone called Santa ;)  Wii is seriously the type of currency I can use with Hayden right now.  If he isn't nice he knows that Wii time is on the line and shapes up real fast! 
 Hayden's favorite place to eat is Panda Express.  He can eat their Orange Chicken everyday if he could.  He was taken out to Panda Express not once, but twice that week by two sets of grandparents who love him and get a kick out of his craziness and spunk!!  Its always fun to feel special and have something done just for you, and both my parents and Nate's have always done this for our kids and they love them for it!!
Hayden is my fun, energetic, hilarious boy who hides his own softy side.  When you receive a hug from him its always a good one because he gives them when he really means it! He is my best helper with jobs and in the kitchen and stays until the work is done.  He seldom complains, unless again Wii time is in question!  He loved being showered with Sonic presents to have fun with and really enjoyed his cake! Happy Birthday H!!

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