The First of Many!

Blue and Gold Banquet
February 24th, 2012
"The Year of the Dragon"
Our whole family had a great time at Clayton's first Blue and Gold Banquet as a Cub Scout!  The theme for the night was to celebrate "The year of the Dragon".  The whole room had Chinese decorations everywhere, chopsticks and fortune cookies to go with dinner, and activities like origami, a dragon pinata, and a craft table to make a Chinese poster.  Everyone enjoyed the menu of Sweet and Sour Chicken, stir-fried vegetables, and egg drop soup.  The dessert for the night was made by the cub scouts and their families.  Each one was challenged to make a cake to go along with the nights theme.  Clay was set in his mind to make a dragon cake so that's what we tried to achieve.  I positioned the cake pieces and Clay helped to apply the icing.  He had alot of fun decorating his dragon and putting the wings and gold coins in place.  Everyone loved it for the night.  Other cakes were: a fortune cookie cake, Chinese checkers board cake, yin and yang made with red velvet, and decorated sheet cakes!  So fun to see all the different varieties!

Clayton was the newest member of Pack #274 and was asked to make a poster about himself.   Things he put on it were: 
Birthday-December 19th                            Is really good at- Legos
Favorite Food- Tacos                                 Favorite thing to do with family - Movie Night
Favorite Color - Blue                                                

Loves to:
-spend time with grandparents in Idaho and Louisiana
-drive go carts
-ride horses
-Collect things like legos, hot wheels, and other boy toys
-spend time with his brothers

Clay was given lots of patches that he has earned since joining his cub scout group.  The big award Clay received for the night was his Bobcat Badge.  He worked hard to finish all the Bobcat trail assignments before the Blue and Gold Banquet and was even able to give me, the Mom Bobcat Pin!!

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