Double negative = POSITIVE

When there are multiple minus signs on any of my receipts it definitely makes ME Positive!! I love finding a good deal or getting something free. I think as women we want to find the best deal and get away from that stereotype of always spending the "money" and show some good tactics of saving the "money" or at least getting the most out of it. I really love it when I see this at the end of my receipts.

and can see my money saving tactics here.

If you can't see the number it's $117.70 in savings!! Yeah I'm excited can't ya tell!!!!

Cutting those dang coupons and taking the time to match them to the sale ads is worth it.

I feel so giddy going out a store when I get some major savings. Feeling giddy is so much nicer than that empty retching feeling of money being burned, thrown down the toilet, gone with the wind, wasted or how ever else you call the money we had to spend on necessary things that are way over priced. Just thought I'd share some giddy feelings!! he he he he

Poor Sick Clayton

What a crazy week or so we have had. First Clayton was sick. Throwing up and sitting long time on the toilet sick. I felt so bad for him. During his all night throwing up party, (where he couldn't even keep a sip of water down) he said a couple of things that tugged at my girl emotion strings. ( I Kept it together though he he )
First sitting on the floor leaning over the toilet he says, "Mom, I'm trying really hard not to cry." What a tough boy!! and then two to three hours later and alot more sick time he says "Mom, I just can't take it anymore." Oh how I wished I could have just taken all his hurt away from him. It was so bad the Nathan asked if he wanted a blessing, which he gave a really good one. The next morning Clayton was still sick and he left this message for Nathan at work "Dad, I know you used your power to help me get better...but I'm still sick... and I'm wondering why your power didn't work...well I'll talk to you later but I'm still sick...bye"
Oh I wish this was one of those complete conviction stories of the power of the priesthood and Clay would have a strong testimony of it but things are in God's timing. I explained to him that he might have become even more sick without the blessing and maybe Heavenly Father wants him to learn what being sick feels like so he can be prepared for the next time and his body will be able to fight it off better. I was making sure he stayed hydrated and gave him a Popsicle to have. He picked blue of course and with his sunken eyes, skinning looking frame, and now blue lips he really had the look of death on him eeeeek.
Needless to say it's all over now and we just finished having a two day garage sale at my house and it's clean up time for the things scattered around that didn't sell, laundry that is clean in separated baskets, dishes to be located in cupboards, not to be taken out of the dishwasher to use, and a promised back massage to give to Nathan as he is learning his new calling of Elders Quorum President in our ward and all that goes with that. He will do a great job and I hope I can be as helpful as I can be for him with his calling (you know not nag or tone it down some right he he) As my brother Max says all the time "It's all good!" Life carries on and we will go forward one sick kid to the next!!

Mom's quilt /// Great Friend

I forgot to post the pictures of the awesome quilt my mom made for Justin. She hand quilted it all and the bottom has fringe on it!! So Adorable. I wish I had that talent maybe someday.
Mom says this little boy looks like Clay...She's right he is that cute!

See the Fringe?

I have a great friend in Crystal Lake and her name is Anna Marks!! She is the best!! Just look what she found to go with my cowboy room!

Love it! The wall stickers completely match my quilt I made and the wall paper in the room

We get together when we can and let our kids play. She has five kids of her own and the last three are almost the exact same ages as mine. Our baby boys are just 13 days apart!! We don't have to have some special occasion to see each other, we just do and I love that there is such an easiness with it all that we can put a fast lunch together for kids, talk about life, learn new projects to do, and not care if we or our houses are messy. I don't know if there is anything Anna can really learn from me because she pretty much has been there done that with everything I still have questions about, but hopefully I bring something to the table. Anna is my sista away from home!! Thanks, you are awesome!