
This has not been the week for Hayden. First while running around the house with Clayton he slammed into the corner of a table in my foyer, making him have a nice looking black eye for church. Then just went that is beginning to fade to that ugly green bruise color, he slips off the the laundry bucket he is using as a stool to reach the sink in our bathroom so both he and Clayton can play car wash and wash all of their Hot Wheels. Unfortunately, being too excited for shiny Hot Wheels Hayden tried to reach in the sink too much and the laundry bucket slips on the (of course) wet floor and he hits his head on first the porcelain sink and then the tile floor!! As I was helping him up and saying "Let me see" I totally gasped at how huge and purple the bump on his head was already! Poor guy. Hayden is a tough boy and it takes alot for him to cry out in pain, so when he does it's important. I have a Spider man ice pack I keep in the fridge and we rotated that with a bag of frozen peas to get the swelling to go down.

I promised him we would go look at Easter stuff and let him pick out a new Easter bucket. Out of the four choices of the $1.50 buckets he choose the RED one!! Some of those baskets are so darn expensive WOW!! Having a bad day like this I think it merits a "Hayden Day" where he can pick out his favorite movie, what kind of dessert to with dinner, and be the first to play wii games. Again poor guy!!


Ryan and Carli said...

Oh my gosh! That looks so bad. Poor little guy. Hopefully it heals soon.

Dalynne Denhof said...

What a tough boy! I wanted to cry for him! What a great way to make him feel better tho; having a Hayden day-you are so good! I wouldn't have thought of that =)

Keli said...

After a day like that, I doubt he'll even remember what Easter is!

Poor kid!

Anna said...

Owie kazowie!! The poor little man! My head is hurting just from the pictures.

Jessie said...

Eeew! That looks super painful. The hard knocks of being a kid. I hope he isn't hurting anymore. I know I would let out quit a wail had that happened to me!

Whitney said...

He looks like a tough kid... I hate weeks like that!!!