How was your Halloween fun??

We had such a fun time this Halloween. We had a lot of fun things to go and do even though our family decided not to go trick or treating on Halloween this year because it just so happens to be on a Sunday, and that is when all the trick or treating fun here in Illinois is happening. The boys were really good about this and understood that there are a lot of fun things to go and do, and somethings that are more important that we should focus on. Clay even took it upon himself to tell our neighbors that we would not be visiting their houses on Halloween for trick or treating. Oh, great (insert sarcasm)!! I guess when he was asked "Why not?" He replied, "On Sundays we go to church, and church is VERY important to us. It's kind of like a family day thing." I find this out from one of my neighbors, who is really nice, and she thought it was all really cute, but probably thought we were a bit strange but that is OK, strange I guess can be good sometimes. We really didn't miss out on any fun for Halloween though. Here is some of what we did:

We went to a Halloween Carnival, where we played games to win treats and went on a hayride with friends and sat by the cutest Strawberry Shortcake (Hayden W), her pet turtle (Cole W) and their ever so fun mom, Carli W. Although, Justin was being harassed a little by a socially challenge photographer who took multiple pictures of him and didn't talk much. I couldn't even understand which newspaper he was actually working for. I might have to do some research on that one. There could be an overly cute lobster picture out there!! ;)

We attended a magic show at our library, where Hayden was picked to be a little witch volunteer. He had a cheesy smile on his face the whole time!! And there was one trick that magic man still has me stumped on!! Ask me about it sometime. It was crazy, and I was watching his hands the whole time...still confused!!

Our ward finally held a TRUNK OR TREAT!! YEA!! This made is possible for my boys to have taste of trick or treating for this year. Although, you could tell it was even better being there, and getting to play with all their friends. Such a pretty day for it as well and the kids were running around the church having freeze tag games.

My nephew Jordan along with his mom and dad came for the fun too!! Jordan and Hayden are so much fun to watch together. I really digged Jordan's multi-colored hair to complete his Clown look!!

So after all our fun activities our own BATMAN has just one question??


Kelley Rae said...

Happy Halloween! Sure looks like you guys had a blast, and the costumes look awesome!

Brooklyn said...

Glad you had a great time! Love you!Em