Holiday Preschool Party

This is the teacher gift Clay ended up giving his teacher. He really liked all the crayons lined up in rows. He gave it to her yesterday. He was so excited to she if she liked it. He said she did.

We had alot of fun at our Holiday Party at Preschool today. Melissa brought supplies for super fun cupcakes.
We made Santa Faces and had fun playing Christmas bingo.

Clay was out of school early for Christmas break, so we held preschool later in the day so I could attend his class and he could participate at the preschool party.

These boys all love hanging out with each other!! It is really funny to hear them talk to each other sometimes!


Shelby said...

What a cute gift! You really are very creative! I know I tell you that all the time but it's true! Looks like fun though too! :D Miss you guys!

The Patterson's said...

I love those boys so much! We had a lot of fun. Ethan laughed so hard when Hayden tried to eat a cupcake with no hands.

Kelley Rae said...

Such a great teacher gift - I was lame in that department this year. I may have to copy ;) Your boys are so cute!