My $2 Craziness fixer

I have been looking for a way for some time now to make my own earring holder, wall thingy. I needed to hang my dangles up because having my two year old running around with them was driving me crazy. And I didn't need any of them to get lost, I mean there are only so many Clearance earrings out there people ;)
So during a dollar store trip I picked up a photo frame, and a microfiber cloth that has a mesh scrubbing side to it. Take the glass out and cut cloth to fit on the backside of your frame. I wish I had a nail gun on me, but that's the reason for improvising right. Using good ole thumb tacks I secured the cloth on to my frame pulling and tightened the cloth as I went.

And there, with a whole $2 smackers I found sanity again. For now.


Keli said...

So cute! You always do such fun crafts! You need to come back to Utah with the rest of us. ;)

Shelby said...

Oh my gosh! Lacey you pretty much read my mind when you posted this didn't you? I have been looking for a way to "display" my earrings! I am so glad you posted this! I am making it for sure! Thanks darlin'!