Clayton's first day of KINDERGARTEN!!
Clayton has PM Kindergarten which means all morning long he is waiting to get onto that bus. He was really excited to start school and showed no signs of ever being nervous. When the bus came I had to pull him back for him to even say bye to me!The Bus comes right to the stop sign two houses down. Clayton's friends are there ready to take the bus ride too! Only mishap of the day was when he came home he still had his snack in his back pack for Snack time. When I asked him what he had for a snack he said pretzels that the teacher gave him. So on the first day of school his teacher thinks he has a slacker mom who forgets his snack, when he had one along inside his bag!! Oh well there probably will be a day or two in the school year where I might forget his snack! :)


Tina said...

He looks all grown up and GQ! Such a handsome kid, that's awesome it's something he looks forward to.

Kell said...

I showed Savannah his pictures and she agrees that he's looking cute!!! So grown-up!