Clayton usually has something either very silly or suprisingly profound to say throughout our days. When I hear "Mom, I had a dream last night", my first thought is " I wonder if it was Spiderman that he watched last night to give him nightmares or maybe that weird character on the animated series of Batman. . .hmmm" But this was not a nightmare of Clayton's it was one of his many magical dreams he seems to have. His dream according to Clayton:

"I was walking down a big road that was filled with fruit. I had to pick up the fruit so know one would slip or fall or anything. Then I saw Jesus and he had a huge bag! A really big one and he had tons of fruit in it and was sharing with everyone around him . . . and then I woke up."

What can I say his dreams are cool! When I asked Clayton about his dream again today he said "Jesus threw that dream away and said I could have a new one later."

There are a few tactics I use when Clayton does have a bad dream (which is not that often
-- even when I think he should because he saw some clip of something crazy while we channel surfed the TV) First, I tell him if he is having a hard time going to sleep then he should pray to Heavenly Father and ask him to help him be calm and have good dreams. It has to be something very disturbing to Clayton to have to do anything beyond that but then we bring out the "Dream your in CANDY LAND" bit where I tell Clayton he can eat anything he sees. His blanket becomes a huge marshmallow and his bed posts strawberry licorice. He loves talking about the Chocolate River that goes from his closet down the hall. He rides his horse Tutor to the Magic Rainbow where Jelly Belly candies fall from the sky!!

I love kids and their ability to soak everything up. The best part is when they really do get something important that you taught them and they are doing it all on their own ... like prayers.

Another dream of Clay's was when it was raining at night and Clayton said Jesus was outside his window watching over him just to make sure he didn't get wet.
It's good to know Clay thinks alot on Jesus and is trying to Choose The Right! AWESOME!!

"Cut not the wings of your dreams, for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul."

1 comment:

Keli said...

Oh, that is too sweet. I've always told my girls they should sing primary songs if they get scared. Heck, sometimes it works for me too!