LAKE POWELL July 2009 Part 2

I can't believe through that whole crazy storm story I forgot to mention what little Mr. Justin was doing!! If you can believe it, he was in a bedroom, on the middle of the bed ASLEEP, the whole time! I kept running down to check on him thinking that maybe the mattress had moved a little or that he was rolling around but no the cute little man was a snoozin away not a worry on his mind!

At Lake Powell the water is so warm and nice that I wanted to get Justin to enjoy it as much as his brothers were. At first he was not happy. He wasn't getting how lucky he was to be forced into the water and play with me. But after 3 minutes and a favorite toy later he loved it! We stay in the water floating around for a long time, he was having a ball.

Clayton became my water boy. With his life jacket on he was unstoppable. He really liked running off the end of the house boat and doing a huge cannon ball. All of the kids went exploring to an island that they ended up calling "Lizard Island" because of the lizards around they all wanted to catch and keep as pets. Most of the time the kids would take the kayak, or have someone drop them off with the sea do, but not Clayton. He would just jump into the water and swim the whole way all by himself

Hayden was a little more cautious than Clay. He didn't like swimming unless someone would let him ride on their back. He would scream when I broke free from him and made him float with his life jacket alone. He wasn't too happy with me about that. I think the lake seemed a bit too big to be floating around without being hooked on to something to him. The crazy thing was that he LOVED TUBING and he went really fast! He was being pulled by my dad who I think gets a small amount of pleasure in flipping people off inner tubes, and after a couple of times around they finally went flying off. I really thought Hayden would start screaming once he was flipped over because he was so scared of swimming alone, but he came back all proud of himself telling me, "Mom, I swam all by myself to Sophie! All by myself!" It was funny. Don't make him swim alone, but he will be your partner on the tube!

Clayton and Hayden had alot of fun with all the cousins. Clayton still won't admit that he fell asleep like this, he says "I was just resting my eyes, then I would open them and then I would rest them again." Would be believable if he didn't have a huge red mark and sleeping lines all over his face after he woke up!

We went on a small hiking tip to see the famous Rainbow Bridge! The canyons all around us were so pretty. They kids thought Rainbow bridge was really cool especially the side that look like a lizard is resting on top.

Such a fun vacation that we were lucky enough to take part in. The only downfall and it was a pretty big one was that Nathan couldn't come with us. He just changed jobs and his first week starting was when we left. He makes so many sacrifices for us and I am really grateful to have a husband that makes taking trips like this possible in the first place. Thanks babe for working so diligently at work, church, home, and taking on the task of even more education soon. We love you and am so lucky that we have you as a Husband and Father. Love ya!

1 comment:

Dalynne Denhof said...

Wow, that looks like it was SO much fun! A house boat? how awesome is that! and Lake Powell looks so beautiful :) I know what you mean about not having the hubby tho, nothings complete w/out them! I didn't know he got a new job?!