Bubble Snakes

My boys have had extra energy lately and they try to release it by playing superheros, wrestling, or having jumping matches which depending on the jump I really don't like. At times these over zealous boys can drive me bonkers so to lets them blow off some steam (likewise for myself) I had them make their own bubble snakes!! I saw this in Family Fun magazine so credit them but the boys had a great time trying to make the longest snake which lead having a "Bike Wash" with the extra bubbles around.
Nice and quiet for a good half hour AAHHHHHHH That's better!!


Anna said...

You are always doing fun things with your boys!! You are a good mommy. I'm so glad you like to blog, it makes me feel like I still know what's going on with you!

Kelley Rae said...

My sis brought up stuff to make these at our family reunion. The kids LOVED them. I really need to get on this Family Fun train so i'm not such a boring mom.