Spring Break in Arizona

Because there were a lot of activities we were able to go and do while in Arizona, plus a few crazy stories, that I am going to break them up a bit with their own separate posts so bare with me!

First I'll start with what we would do at and around the THOMPSON ARIZONA RETREAT, as I like to call it. This retreat is owned by my dad and his brothers who farm together, which make having a place to go in sunny Arizona possible and enjoyable for everyone. The weeks throughout the year are split up between the brothers and they can take their families to go have fun and relax on the assigned weeks. Each year the weeks change so it is fair for everyone to enjoy at different time of the year.

It felt so good to be outside with the sun shinning and taking nice relaxing strolls on the bike trails. Clayton just learned how to ride with no training wheels, and I am really impressed how quickly he was able to get it. It took him only two days back at home then he was on his own, so I could see he had a lot of fun being part of the bike ride, riding under his own power. Justin and Hayden had fun in the bike trailer, so much so that Justin feel asleep a couple of times.

The area where the house is located was in full bloom! Orange blossoms filled the air with their mouth watering fragrance and the vibrant colors were a good pick me up from all the cold, wet weather in Chicago. Beautiful!!


The boys couldn't get enough of the pool, and Clay has turned into a good little swimmer! I could hardly get a picture of him, he was diving and swimming so much. Hayden had a blast as soon as he figured out that he could float anywhere with the life jacket he was good to go!! Grandpa Ron is so much fun in the pool. Everyone wants to take turns riding his back and see if they can hold on under water!
Little sis Sophie and Big sister Emily with my adorable niece Quincy

Lil sis Jessa and her family, Trent and stud muffin Ryder!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I want to go back SO bad. Hopefully soon, when little Henry gets a bit bigger. Glad you had such a great time. Grandpa Ron and Grandpa Chris ar much the same it seems.