Justin's New Accessory

Justin's new accessory is a new nebulizer which will give him breathing treatments.
Justin was not sleeping very well that last couple of nights. Partly this was due to teething because his gums were all swollen and tender, he might be working on some tough molars. But also he had trouble settling down to sleep because he couldn't breathe very well. My initial thought to this was him being congested and needed to be a little more upright to get to sleep and not have such a plugged up nose. That was Saturday night. Sunday morning I could tell he was not himself. He seemed tired, crabby, and not eating to well. I had Nathan stay home with him from church since I had some meetings to attend to and then he was really fine the rest of the day playing around and laughing.
Justin's breathing became alot worse Sunday night. I could tell he was straining too hard and his normal high energy was way low. Justin's belly was moving in and out so much it was like he was tring to push it out and then suck it in hard and repeating the cycle and now he had a fever. I took him to his pediatrician Monday morning and she didn't like the way he was sounding. His oxygen level was low and he had alot of wheezing sounds in his lungs. He had two breathing treatments at the pediatricians office, after which the Dr was glad to see his oxygen levels had risen and the wheezing sounds had decreased. There is no infection in his lungs at this point or else we would be in the hospital getting x-rays and lots more treatment and medication so I am glad not to have to deal with that.

Right now Justin is receiving a breathing treatment with Albuterol every four hours. This does include waking him up throughout the night and making the poor guy put on the mask again and again. He is a really good sport with all of it. He hates the mask each time I put it on, but as we sit there he calms down and can actually laugh at his brothers playing on the floor around him. We will be continuing his treatments until our next appointment Wednesday afternoon. And then we shall see from there, but Justin has to be the cutest little ducky face I have seen around even with his alligator tears. Our little guy is getting extra lovins from everyone at home and I laughed at Hayden's prayer when he asked to "help Justin with his steamy breathy thing". Hope all will be well by Wednesday and Justin will be good to go.


Unknown said...

Those treatments are no fun! I spent many a nights doing midnight breathing treatments, holding the mask up to sleeping babies. Hope he feels better soon!

The Patterson's said...

Poor baby Justin! At least he has the best entertainment around to keep him giggling. Feel better soon honey!

Whitney said...

Poor Justin... I'll be praying for him. (And sending good vibes his way!)

The Allens said...

That's not fun! We've had lots of experience with the nebulizer too. I know he's still young, but we found that movies help a lot during the treatment...keeps them still and occupied while they sit there. Good luck!