Lost Tooth

Lost tooth
October 2012 
Hayden has been losing teeth like a mad man!  He had a necklace he received from school that was in the shape of a tooth that could open up to keep a tooth lost at school safe until the child got home. But Hayden, being Hayden, liked to swing his necklace around and around making it easy for the tooth to fall out.  I kept warning him he should go put the necklace away in his room until he wanted to put it under his pillow for the Tooth Fairy to find.  Well, he didn't heed the warning...warningS and his tooth went flying and he lost it.  We searched and searched and it was no use.  Hayden was upset and said "Mom, I still can't find it, even after I prayed."  Such a sweet boy.  The vacuum cleaner would be the finder of this one.  Hayden was really upset.  He feared that the Tooth Fairy would not visit him now because he had no tooth to place under his pillow.  After talking to him about it and suggesting for him to write a note to the Tooth Fairy and see what she or he (it might be a boy Tooth Fairy, especially since my boys have watched the movie "The Tooth Fairy" with The Rock  aka Dwayne Johnson they like the idea of a tough boy Tooth Fairy!) could do.
 This is Hayden's note, equipped with a very sad picture of himself.  The T-F refers to Tooth Fairy!
 Here is what Hayden found under his pillow in the morning along with money from the Tooth Fairy.

Hayden thinks the Tooth Fairy is pretty cool and is an understanding guy! 

Total of 5 Teeth gone..
3 on top
2 on bottom 

Love this boy!

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