A few gems

Here are a few gems I felt were note worthy:
Spring 2014
 My Lil Roman is in Love.....In love with the movie Frozen!!  He can't get enough of it and laughs at the Wandering Oaken's Trading Post Guy saying, "YOO-HOO BIG SUMMER BLOWOUT!" Every time!   I even caught him kissing the screen of my iPad when Elsa was singing her big "Let it Go" song!! He is mesmerized!  I will never get too old myself for the fun and magic Disney brings.  Nate can completely cream me at any trivia game there is, but make it a Disney Trivia and I can annihilate him!!
 Clay is the new owner of some heavy metal!! LOL  2 years ago he had an accident on his teeth causing one of his front baby teeth to get shoved up to the tops of his gums. He had it extracted at the ER and since then we have not seen any signs of his adult tooth for that location.  He now has an expander on the roof of his mouth and a full set of braces top and bottom to help move his teeth to the correct placing's and make room for that adult tooth to make it's debut.
Justin is my happy, easy flowing kid that melts me with his smile!  Can't believe he will be attending Kindergarten in the fall!!  I going to miss my lil bud!

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