Say What MOM?

Has anyone had this conversation yet?

Clay: "Mom my cookie says pizza on it. See P I Z Z A I . That is how it's spelled."

Me: "No that is not the letter I at the end it is an exclamation point, it means you really are excited when you say PIZZA!"

"It is the letter i mom, see you turn it like this and it has a dot on top just like the letter i."

"Yeah it does look like the letter i upside down but that is the wrong way to look at it, an exclamation point is just a type of punctuation mark.

"What you say mom? Punch what mark? "

"No not really punch something just to end a sentence."

"A sentence? No mom it's just a cookie"

"Yeah your right it's just a cookie can you please eat it now!"

So this is probably a shortened version because I swear it went on forever and I was never right! By the end I wished the girl at Little Ceasars didn't think Clayton was so cute and offered him a free cookie bag. But honestly if I saw someone that cute acting so grown up like by giving our family order by himself I would probably spring out some free cookies too!

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