I have found a new tradition! Going to Shipshewana, Indiana each year!!

On Tuesday Diana (Mom-in-law) Kristy (sis-in-law), Marci and Sally (good friends of family) took a road trip and headed out to the biggest Flea Market sale I have ever seen. Each year from the first of May through the end of October, you can find hundreds of vendors selling everything from fresh fruit to handcrafted furniture at the Shipshewana Flea Market. I think the actual count of vendors was 1100 this year!! So many things to look at and if you like something but want to see if another treasure will top it, you better mark it was on your map so you can find the booth again later. A little tip from us that learned that the hard way and went searching out for our lost booths.

A very good friend of mine Anna Marks took my two boys of the day. She is the best and is so willing to help me out. The boys had so much fun with her kids playing outside all day. Hats off the Nathan too!! What a good hubby, who would drive 25 minutes in the wrong direction to drop of kids at 7:00 am just to turn around and have over an hour drive to get to work! And he did it again after work to pick kids up too, just so I could have a fun girls day out!! Thanks babe, you're so good to me!

Here are a few treasure I found and if I remember right all of it cost less than $60!! Now if you count the awesome fresh snacks and drinks we had and a stop at Crackle Barrel for dinner the number changes a little but all of it was well worth the money!!

The town was so fun with a simple feel to things with the amish around sharing their talents with all the fresh products that they make. I really like seeing all the horse and buggy carts going here and there taking various amish families around.

Here is the website to see all that there is to do in Shipshewana, Indiana


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