Clayton photos

While Jessa was visiting us she wanted to get her son Ryder's one year pictures taken. I have a membership at JC Penney and took her there so we could get some of her son and my boys. Needless to say it didn't turn out like we wanted, AT ALL! I think the overly dyed blond and scary black underneath hair tech scared all the kids and placed everyone in weird position, that naturally any kid would want to get up from it. After being so frustrated with it all we decided to have our own photo shoot right in my kitchen when we got back home. Both Jessa and I had our cameras and were shooting away at Clayton, Hayden, Justin and Ryder. We pulled out different backgrounds (mostly my fabric, blankets, or towels) to make our own custom wall art, lined the floor with a fake base board, and used the natural light in my kitchen to make these pictures. I hope you like them.
Clayton Nathaniel Cottrell
Clayton thinks he is such a stud. Seriously what 6 year old tries to pose like this!! He cracks me up. He really liked it when Jessa said he looked like he was seventeen. I might be in trouble with this one!


The Patterson's said...

I can see it now. He's gonna be the next cover of GQ magazine. He's so funny!

Kelley Rae said...

No kidding - where is that sweet little grin that I love? :) So cute!