Scouts-Cub Mobile

(May 2013)
 I have so much fun with my scouts!  I love being involved in the scouting program.  Since I have a cub scout myself (Clay) and am also the wolf and bear den leader for troop 274, this keeps me busy in the program.  Here my scouts are doing various minute to win it games and I could not stop laughing at the "Eat Your Cookie" game and the faces my scouts were pulling!
 CUB MOBILE!  Hayden is so ready to be a scout.  He can't wait till January for his birthday so he can turn eight and get to come to scout all the time. He was beyond happy to be able to participate in the cub mobile though.  He was just tall enough for his feet to touch the front of the car so he was able to steer the wheels.

We had a drawing contest for my scout to make a design for our cub mobile.  Everyone submitted a design with their names on the back and then each scout voted for their favorite entries.  The winning design was to be put on the back of the cub mobile.  Clay's drawing had the most votes so he his design is featured on the back of Troop 274 cub mobile!
I loved watching all the scouts race to the bottom of the hill!  They all had such a great time.

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