Six Flags

Six Flags 2013

 For Christmas last year we bought our family season passes to Six Flags Great America!  The boys were super excited and couldn't wait for late spring for it to open.  This year our roller coaster man was Mr. Hayden.  He could not get enough of the rides.  He would get that from his dad, who enjoys the thrill of roller coasters way more than I do.  I was shocked when Hayden said he wanted to go on the giant drop!  I hate that ride and will stand my ground not to go on it, but he went...twice...back to back!!!  I'll have to keep my eye on this boy down the road that's for sure!
 This is the reaction we got from the boys after they went on a few water rides with their dad.  Hayden just wanted to go again and again.  For what ever reason Clayton was not so much of a fan of the rides this year.  He went on them but didn't really have any desire to go again once it was over.  We had many talks and discussions on how roller coasters are, and that he has been on these exact ones before, and that we were there to go with him.  I told him I don't like some of the rides that much but there are some that I love and you just have to be open minded that you might have fun.  This worked on a some rides on which he come off totally excited from the thrill of them, but still there were others that even a crazy bribe didn't work any magic for us.  I give it to him for sticking his ground and being totally fine with sitting with me and Roman on the side lines.  Clayton is a deep thinker which is a good skill to have in solving problems and thinking things through...not so much for when it comes to looking at a roller coaster from the ground and listening to others screaming as it goes by.  Maybe he will have a love for rides more later in life with a bunch of his friends, if not, no biggie he knows he has gone on them before and it wouldn't matter either way really.
 Six Flags was sooo fun for Justin!  This kid is a hoot and I got a kick out of him every time he saw a character and was totally cool about saying "Hi" and being their pal.  Clay and Hayden were more forced by me to get in the picture!
 Talking about forced, check out these grumpy back seat drivers!  I could not stop laughing at their complete slumped over, bored as ever faces!  Justin was all smiles for this little kiddy ride of his.
 Six Flags also has a water park called Hurricane Harbor that was included in our passes.  Always a great thing to go to on a hot summer day!
 My lil Roman just chillaxin in his stroller!  He really is a trooper and can just kick up his feet and go with the flow on things.

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